Old man drinking wine oil painting

Oil painting of old man drinking wine. Appears to say Napletano in lower left corner. Appears to be Italian labels on back and something written in pencil on back of painting itself.


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Mearto specialist

December 20, 2023
Fair Market Value:

Dear Glenn – Nice find, as you probably already know, this is an oil on canvas painting, he has a nicely painted face. The title refers a Napolitano or someone from Naples, Italy. It was likely painted in Naples as a Grand Tour souvenir which commemorated someone’s trip, I’d say your example is circa 1980s. If you were selling your piece at auction, you could expect it to sell in the range of $50USD - $80USD, perhaps a little more on the best of days. In a retail gallery, perhaps double that with the right clientele. It’s a delightful piece and as it’s on your wall, I see you enjoy it, well done! Cheers, Erin-Marie